1969 to 1971

While the actual break in at the Watergate didn’t occur until June 1972, the seeds of the scandal were planted in the early years of Nixon’s first term.

January 1972 to June 16 1972

In the months leading up to the Watergate break in, Gordon Liddy and Howard Hunt put their plans in action which include, among other things, bugging the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate.

June 17 1972 to June 30 1972

The now infamous break in takes places and peaks the interest of two reporters at The Washington Post.  The cover up begins immediately with John Dean executing most of the plans.  Nixon and Bob Haldeman have what turns out to be the definitive Watergate conversation.

July and August 1972

The FBI investigation begins to make progress, but Mark Felt, the number two man, sees that the truth may never come out unless he takes matters into his own hands.  Woodward and Bernstein begin to unravel the plot beginning with a Mexican check.

September 1972

While “The Book Keeper” begins to fill in the blanks for Woodward and Bernstein, Nixon congratulates Dean for the excellent work he’s done controlling the investigation.  The first major Post story alleging John Mitchell controlled a secret slush fund for intelligence gathering is published.  Woodward and Bernstein pick up the trail of Donald Segretti, the man behind the “dirty tricks.”

October 1972

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November 1972 through January 1973

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

February and March 1973

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

April 1973

The seeds of Watergate were sown long before the break in in June of 1972.  This timeline includes many of  those important events.

May and June 1973

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

July through September 1973

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

October and November 1973

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

December 1973 through March 1974

The seeds of Watergate were sown long before the break in in June of 1972.  This timeline includes many of  those important events.

April and May 1974

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

June and July 1974

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.

August and September 1974

Divi will change the way you build websites forever. The advanced page builder makes it possible to build truly dynamic pages without learning code.