Bernstein visits the home of Judy Hoback. Bernstein had guessed correctly that she was one of the people who had gone back to the prosecutors. She worked for Hugh Sloan and Maurice Stans. After originally trying to stonewall and guess who his sources were, she begins to reveal what she knows. Bernstein asks if Stans is being set up as a fall guy, and she replies “If you could get John Mitchell, it would be beautiful,” but admits she doesn’t have hard evidence. She tells him Slone left because he didn’t want to be involved. She says Liddy and Sally Harmony both lied to the grand jury. Bernstein fishes for names, but she remains silent saying only that she had evidence but it was all destroyed. She worries that her phones are tapped because of what she knows. She tells him only about six people were involved in the payouts and mentions Magruder as one of them. He asks if she would just give him initials and she gives him L, M, and P.