In their early morning garage meeting, Felt/Deep Throat tells Woodward “There is a way to untie the Watergate knot.” Adding that the intelligence gathering from CRP just got out of hand. Felt confirms Mitchell was involved, but only Nixon and Mitchell can say how deeply he was in. During Mitchell’s investigation after June 17, he uncovered far more than he expected. Howard Hunt was even tapped to get information for Mitchell, but that ended quickly with Ehrlichman firing him and Hunt leaving town. Felt won’t go into specifics about how things were connected beyond saying nothing was an isolated event. He says Mitchell knew his fate early on after the break in.

Felt/Deep Throat details the different undercover operations groups including one related to CRP advertising, one that gathered intelligence for the Democratic and Republican conventions, one that gathered intelligence for primaries, and the Howard Hunt group, which reported to Charles Colson, that did the most damaging operations.

Felt/Deep Throat confirms that the FBI limited their investigation to only the events of June 17 and it was clear perjury from Sally Harmony and others had taken place.

Woodward continues to push Felt/Deep Throat for specifics that he can actually print, but Felt/Deep Throat resists. Woodward presses saying it’s time to stop playing games. Felt/Deep Throat relents and says it’s safe to say that more than fifty people in the White House and CRP were involved in spying, sabotage, and intelligence gathering. The FBI and Justice Department know all this, but haven’t followed up. “It’s all in the files” (Note: No investigation ever concluded that fifty people were involved.)