In the morning, Woodward and Bernstein begin crafting stories based on the latest information from Felt/Deep Throat. Another reporter, Marilyn Berger, asks Bernstein if he knows that Ken Clawson wrote the Canuck Letter. Bernstein is shocked and suspicious of the timing, but Clawson had told her this some weeks earlier.

Berger has lunch with Clawson to try and get more details. When she tells him Woodward and Bernstein are working on big story tracing the Canuck letter to the White House, Clawson says he’ll deny having written it.

Clawson calls Woodward and says he did not admit to writing the Canuck letter, but Woodward says they are standing by Berger’s account. Clawson calls Berger and begs her not to mention that the conversation took place in her apartment, but she tells him she already has. He’s incredulous saying “Marilyn, I have a wife and a family and a dog and cat,” but Berger thinks he should be more concerned about admitting to writing the letter than where he mentioned it to her.